
ICR1: Fancy Nancy Too Many Tutus

"You have too many tutus," my mom tells me. (p.5)

     Nancy's closet was bulging so her mother says her has too many tutus! But she didn't want to throw away the tutus and to give it to someone. One day, Ms.Glass who is Nancy's homeroom class teacher told students to hold "swap-and-shop" is like free market. Nancy brought her bag bulging with tutus and clothes and she got fifteen tickets to get some goods.
     This book is in the I Can Read "Fancy  Nancy"series great illustrations. Especially, I like Nancy's expressive face. I reccommend that everyone read this book.

O'Connor, Jane.(2012). Fancy Nancy too many tutus.

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  2. My closet may like hers. I like clothe ad I can't through it away, so my closet is filld of clothes...
